Official AGENDA

Thursday, 26.09.2024

Official opening 09:30 A.M

Venue – Hotel Metropol (Biljana Hall)

Global Climate Challenge

09:30 A.M - Opening Ceremony


Mr. Kiril Pecakov Mayor of the Municipality of Ohrid

State Counselor on Climate Change,Ministry of environment and physical planning

Program Manager UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe

Prof Anis Sefidanis, University St. Apostol Pavle - AI and Pollution

NetZero Cities

10:30 A.M - Advocacy in Climate Change


Deputy President of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in charge of economic affairs and coordination with Economic sectors and tourism promotion

Agency for promotion and support of tourism in the Republic of North Macedonia

Mr. Cameron Price, Sustainable Expert - Australia

Dr. Orhideja Tasevska, Impact of climate change on freshwater resources

11:30 A.M - 12:00 P.M COFFEE BREAK

Climate Impact Over the Tourism

12:00 P.M - President of the Chamber of Certified Architects and Certified Engineers

Mrs. Kristinka Chulak

12:30 P.M - Addressing Global Climate Neutral Challenges

Anita Koteska, EU Climate KIC national partner

01:00 P.M - New Materials and Composites

Prof Emilija Fidancevska, TMF

01:30 P.M - Smart cities (Smart building) Investment Opportunities

02.00 P.M - Lunch Break

03.00 P.M - Climate Financing Program